Clickety clack goes my fingers mindlessly typing the words study abroad for the 17th time. Recently I have been looking into exchange student programs but nothing was within my budget. But I have learned five ways to travel cheap and possibly free.
1. Couchsurf
I have heard about great experiences couchsurfing. Your stay is absolutely free, and your host will most likely be very open-minded and friendly.
2. Housesit
This is a great alternative to couchsurfing. On sites I've seen have the option to sign up as a home owner for free or as a housesitter for free or fifty USD.
3. Help Exchange
Unlike most volunteer exchange websites, on Help Exchange(helpx.net), you are able to sign up for free and do volunteer work all over the globe in exchange for lodging and food.
4. Au Pair
The Au Pair program is when you get to live with a family in a foreign country for about a year and help take care of their children or teach them your native language.
5. Overnight Transportation
If you're just traveling across the country, consider sleeping in overnight buses and metros.
That's it for now.
- Léa =D
(All images made with keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk)